For as much as I
LISTENING Today was the first day of our "July" vacation, and we spent it cheering on my husband's cousins at the soap box derby (our first derby = good times!). It must have worn out our little one because she napped the heck out of the afternoon. She woke up an hour before she usually goes to bed, but for the last hour, I've been waiting to hear her jibber jabber to let us know she's ready to get back to her toys.
LOVING While our vacation started off productively, we got slammed with a wicked thunderstorm and crazy flash floods just about the time we were going to leave for a hot air balloon festival to watch a balloon launch and balloon glow. Another year, another missed balloon festival. Maybe one day we'll make it. I hope we can live it up for the rest of my husband's time off. This is one of our favorite weeks of the year!
THINKING What a great linky! I'm fairly new at blogging so I try to take as many opportunities as I can to connect with other bloggers. It's still kind of uncomfortable for me to share my ideas and postings. I catch myself thinking, "Who cares what I have to say anyway?" However, the more positive comments I've gotten, the more confident I've become. I hope that a linky like this will break the ice even more.
NEEDING A friend from our small group recently donated her kidney to her cousin's fiance, so I'm taking a dinner to her and her family tomorrow to help out. My paltry dinner is nothing compared to the gift she gave to him. What a sacrifice. I'm humbled and in admiration of such courage and selflessness. My niece and nephew's former kindergarten teacher also recently donated one of her kidneys to a student at their school. Teachers are amazing. What love and care they show inside and outside of the classroom.
TIPS, TRICKS, and HINTS I have a hard time putting (and keeping) my laptop down. I can always find a reason to work on something here and tweak a little something there. What starts as a 2 minute job inevitably turns into a 2-hour blogging, Facebook, Pinterest, TpT, or research session. I'm learning that just because I can, doesn't mean I should. If I'm spending more time reaching out trying to make virtual friends than I am reaching out to my flesh-and-blood family who love and need me, I know it's time to check my priorities.
This month's sponsor of Currently is Mrs. Wilson of Confessions of a Teaching Junkie. Visit her blog!
That is such a great idea about setting a time limit! :) I think I am going to steal that tip! I think that will make me feel better about getting my work done, too! I will know when I get to stop! Haha! :)
Little Lovely Leaders
Hi! I am coming over from Farley's Currently series. I love your tip about setting a time limit. As much as I LOVE to read blogs, I have to put my computer down and remember that my 3 year old will only be 3 once and it is my responsibility to make his childhood the best it can be. Thanks for the reminder! :)
ReplyDeleteMan, I know what you mean about the time limit. Sometimes it's way too easy to get pulled into the world of the internet for hours at a time. I'm glad to hear that other bloggers wonder if anyone cares...I know I do! I love reading about other people's teaching ideas and their lives.
ReplyDeleteSoap box derby sounds awesome, and hot air balloons are my current obsession! Maybe you'll make it next time!
Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason
Neat blog!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's connect:
I found your blog on Pinterest! I agree with your tip of limiting computer time. I need to start doing that for sure!
Hi, Jamie--Thanks for visiting! The easy part is setting the time. The hard part is enforcing it. :) Good luck!