Dear Aspire to Inspire blog followers and visitors,
I owe you an "I'm sorry." I'm sorry that I haven't shared the ideas, tips, resources, and content that have been accumulating in my mind--and on my desk--consistently. I'm sorry that I've invited you visit to a teaching blog that, frankly, just hasn't been up to snuff. I've let you down.
Has it ever seemed to you that your to-do list is longer than the scrolling credits of a movie? Mine has been that way for much of the past couple years.
I've got so many things that I need to do, want to do, plan to do, and hope to do...and so little time to do them. This blog is one of those exciting projects with so much potential. I've got ideas scribbled on various scraps of paper, receipts, Post-Its, and notebooks all over my workspace, not to mention saved to a countless number of Pinterest boards. I've just not been faithful in organizing and implementing them in any sort of consistent way.
A tidied version of the corner of my desk |
However, I'm making some changes. I'm putting my hard hat on and getting to work planning and preparing some new blog content and ideas specifically fit for you and your classroom!
So I need to ask a favor...will you help me? In addition to the piles of content ideas I've accumulated that I think is good stuff, I want to hear from my blog readers about the upper elementary and middle school resources that YOU want, need, and would like to see.
Would you take a minute to complete a quick multi-choice survey about blog content? As a thank you, everyone who completes the survey will receive an EXCLUSIVE free sample of my End of the Year Surveys and Reflections Activity.
Click on my logo image below to access the survey:
Thanks to all of my followers and visitors for your support! Talk to you soon!
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